A SEAL’s Chance Read online

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  Ben enjoyed himself at the dance far more than he’d expected to. Their large group claimed several tables on the periphery of the room, so even when he couldn’t dance to the faster country songs the band was playing, he had plenty of company to talk to while he watched the others.

  He assured Caitlyn he didn’t mind if she danced with other partners. He wanted her to have a good time and he could tell from the tapping of her toes that she was eager to join in. Mia’s husband, Luke, was the first to ask her for a dance and after that, the other women’s husbands took turns squiring her around the floor. After each number she came back to check on him, though, and when the music finally turned slower, he stood up.

  “My turn.”

  “Are you sure it’s all right?” Caitlyn took his hand but concern furrowed her brow.

  “I can handle a slow dance.” He tugged her out onto the floor and pulled her close. She came into his embrace eagerly enough to put to rest his fears she might have found one of her other dance partners more appealing. As her arms circled his neck, he put his hands low on her hips and tugged her tight against him. With her cheek pressed against his shoulder, he felt like he’d finally come home.

  As they swayed to the music, Ben realized he wouldn’t leave Chance Creek any time soon. Whatever it was he had with Caitlyn, he needed time to see it through. Dan had mentioned there might be a job for him teaching shooting skills to his extreme training camp clients. He hadn’t taken the idea seriously, but maybe it was time to start. He’d liked what he’d seen so far of life in this small town and he’d be a fool not to take the opportunity his friend was trying to hand him.

  His arms tightened around Caitlyn as if she was his already. He hoped she was prepared to share her life with him because he meant to share his with her. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and when she glanced up, he bent to kiss her mouth, too.

  “What was that for?” she asked with a smile.

  “Because I can. I think I’ll do it again.” He gave her all the time in the world to pull back but she didn’t. Instead she stood on tiptoes to meet him. Their kiss was tender but passionate, too, and by the time it was done, Ben knew he’d be a goner if Caitlyn didn’t feel the same way he did. Suddenly, he had to know. He tilted her chin up with a finger. “I want to take you home tonight.” He waited, his heart pounding, for her answer.

  When she nodded, he felt like he could conquer the world.

  Caitlyn had never known an evening to pass so quickly and so slowly at the same time. On the one hand, it was over in a blur of dancing, drinking and laughing with the crowd they’d come with. On the other hand the minutes stretched out endlessly until she could be alone with Ben. Finally Dan dropped them both off without comment at Caitlyn’s rental house on the outskirts of town. Ben walked her to her door, one hand on his cane and one on her waist as she fumbled in her purse to find her keys.

  Her hand was shaking as she unlocked the front door and invited him in. She’d left a light burning in the living room and before she could turn on any more, Ben set his cane aside and pulled her into his arms for a soul-searing kiss. He leaned against the wall and tugged her to stand between his legs. Cupping the back of her head, he kissed her until her knees went weak and she had to cling to his shoulders for support.

  “Caitlyn.” That was all he said, but she knew what he meant and she guided him quickly to her bedroom at the back of the house. She’d barely entered the room when he leaned his cane against the wall and took hold of her again. She melted into his arms as he kissed her a third time, so hungry for him she couldn’t stand to wait another minute. She hadn’t known a man could feel this good. It was like Ben’s arms had been made to hold her—his mouth made to kiss her.

  “Am I going too fast?” He pulled back and she clung to him more tightly.

  “You’re not going fast enough!” She gasped as his mouth slid to her neck and his hands cupped her bottom, tugging her tight against him. Her fingers tangled with the buttons on his shirt until she had it open and smoothed her hands across his chest. She rained kisses over the broad expanse of his skin and he found the zipper at the back of her dress and slowly began to tug it down.

  When she shrugged her shoulders free of the dress and shimmied it off of her to fall in a puddle at her feet, he leaned back to get the full effect. “Beautiful.” She knew the cups of her bra plumped her breasts into soft mounds and her thong underwear did little to cover her. She basked in his appreciation as she disposed of these last few bits of fabric, enjoying the knowledge that he found her so attractive. Her skin burned under his gaze and she felt wanton with the thought of what was to come.

  She pushed his shirt off of his shoulders and he tugged it the rest of the way off while she undid his belt and the button of his jeans. By the time she’d freed him of his pants and boxers, he was hard and ready for her. Caitlyn couldn’t resist. She pressed kisses to his collarbone, his chest, the flat planes of his stomach as she sunk to her knees.

  Taking him into her mouth, she gloried in the size of him, aching with the knowledge that soon they’d make love. Ben groaned and tangled his hands in her hair as she drew him in and pulled back, again and again until she knew she’d taken him almost to the edge. His muscled legs framed her. Every inch of Ben was so male he made her feel more feminine than she ever had before. She took her time, wanting to show him how beautiful she thought he was—how much he turned her on. When he finally drew her upward to stand before him again, the look in his eyes told her he wouldn’t be able to hold back much more.

  She didn’t want him to hold back at all.

  Ben swept her up into his arms and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Pressed against his hardness, she felt so good there she didn’t want him to move, but he grabbed his cane, held her with his free hand, carried her to the bed and laid her down on it. As he tossed his cane aside and climbed onto the bed too, her heart sped up in anticipation. She knew he’d feel so good inside of her.

  He crouched above her. “Tell me how you like it.”

  “Just like this.” She wanted Ben to keep looking at her like that forever.

  With a groan of appreciation, Ben kneed her legs further apart and lowered himself down between them. She allowed him to explore her, his kisses waking up a long-repressed need. He cupped her breasts, kissing, licking and teasing first one nipple and then the other until she was aching with desire and begging him for more. She didn’t know how she’d gone so long without male companionship, but Ben was worth the wait. She ran her hands down his back and over his ass, urging him on, pulling him closer. She couldn’t wait much longer.

  “Ben,” she implored.

  His hardness nudged against her and she lifted her hips to invite him in, but Ben pulled back.

  “Ben, please.”

  He nudged her again. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you—inside of me. Now.”

  “Right now?” He grinned.

  “Right now.”

  He reached over the edge of the bed, fished a condom from his pants pocket and sheathed himself. “Ready?” he asked.

  Caitlyn nodded and kissed him again. She’d never wanted anything more.

  Chapter Nine


  Ben pressed slowly inside of Caitlyn and groaned. He had to hold back from burying himself deep within her with one fast stroke. He wanted to be sure of her pleasure but her gasp when he entered her and the way she dug her fingers into his skin told him she felt as good as he did. He bent to kiss her and she met him hungrily, lifting her hips to meet his, urging him further inside.

  When she’d taken him into her mouth earlier he’d thought he’d lose control then and there. Her tongue had done wicked things to him and the nip of her waist and curve of her hips as she knelt in front of him had driven him wild with desire to touch her all over.

  Now he pulled out and stroked in, losing himself in making love to Caitlyn, and all the anger and pain of his last few months disappeared. Here
in bed they were perfectly matched. His limp didn’t matter. He was just as much a man as he’d ever been. More, even. How could he not be with Caitlyn looking at him like that?

  He stroked in again, tangling his fingers in hers and loving the way she moaned when he moved within her. She was luscious, beautiful and entirely unafraid to bare her sensual reactions to his gaze. As he picked up his pace, she met him stroke for stroke, wanting him as much as he wanted her.

  He wanted to make it last forever, but Caitlyn was too beautiful, too close to ecstasy herself. She arched her back, bit her lip, and writhed beneath him until she came with a series of cries that carried him over the edge, too. As his release overwhelmed all his senses, he knew he’d never let Caitlyn go.

  Caitlyn woke with a gasp, knowing something was very different from her usual mornings. For one thing, the angle of the sunlight streaming in her bedroom window told her she’d slept far later than Lottie usually let her.

  Speaking of Lottie—

  Caitlyn surged upright, ready to scramble out of bed, and remembered only then that Lottie had spent the night with Ellie. As scenes from the dance played through her mind, she took in her clothes scattered across the bedroom floor.

  Mixed with a man’s jeans and cotton shirt.

  And boxers.

  She turned slowly to take in Ben lying next to her, his grin as wide as a Montana sky.

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning,” she echoed, memories of their night cascading into her thoughts. They’d made love not once, but twice, the first time fast and explosive, the second time slow but oh-so-satisfying.

  “Come here.”

  She didn’t hesitate, already aching to feel Ben inside her again and she wasn’t disappointed by their third round of lovemaking. Ben fulfilled her every wish, making her feel sensual and womanly and—

  A knock at the front door stopped them when they were well on their way to a fourth attempt.

  “Shoot!” Caitlyn glanced at the clock and scrambled from the bed. “It’s Ellie. She’s bringing Lottie home. Don’t make a sound!”

  “Don’t make a sound?” Ben shot her a puzzled look as she threw his clothing at him, but she raced from the room, donning a bathrobe as she went and shut the door before he could say anything else. She wasn’t ready for Ellie to know she’d spent a wild, passionate night with Ben.

  She took a moment to get herself together before answering the door. “Sorry—I was… sleeping.”

  “No problem. You deserve the rest,” Ellie said. “I can keep Lottie longer if you like.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m up and I have nothing else to do besides spend the day with my girl.” She held out her arms and Ellie delivered Lottie into them. Guilt stabbed through Caitlyn’s heart when she realized she’d hardly given her daughter a thought in the past twelve hours. She shouldn’t allow a man to cloud her vision that way. Distracted, she said good-bye to Ellie.

  “Hold up; you’ll need this.” Ellie passed her the diaper bag Caitlyn had packed the night before. “Probably sooner than you’d like. I think Lottie might need a change.”

  “Oh, right. Thanks.” Caitlyn caught a whiff of Lottie and winced, but she paused when a funny look came over her aunt’s face. “What’s wrong? Don’t worry; I’ll change her.” But when Ellie continued to stare, she turned around to find Ben had come up behind her. He’d pulled on his jeans, thank goodness, but he was still shirtless. He reached out to lift Lottie and the diaper bag from Caitlyn’s arms.

  “I’ll take care of that. Hi, Ellie.”

  “Hi, Ben,” Ellie said. “Good to see you again.”

  “Good to see you too. Be back in a minute.”

  Both women watched in wonder as he carried Lottie away down the hall, looking into rooms until he found the nursery.

  “Does he know how to change a diaper?” Ellie asked.

  “I have no idea.”

  “You’d better go see.”

  Chapter Ten


  “I can do that.”

  Ben looked up from the changing table to see Caitlyn hovering anxiously nearby.

  “I’ve got it.” At least he thought he did. He’d never changed a diaper before, and he hoped there wasn’t some trick to it he hadn’t anticipated.

  He undid the plastic tabs and opened the diaper, frowning a little at the smell. Lottie smiled and cooed at him as he carefully extricated her from the mess.

  Caitlyn passed him a container of wipes and he knew she wanted to take over, but he pressed on stubbornly. A few wipes and a shake or two of powder and the baby girl was as good as new. Caitlyn handed him a clean diaper and bit back anything she might have wanted to say while he fastened it on. His hands felt clumsy around the tiny girl, but in the end he felt he’d done a creditable job.

  “That went way above and beyond the call of duty,” Caitlyn said as she took Lottie from him.

  “I figure I better know how if I’m going to spend a lot of time with you two.”

  “Do you plan to spend a lot of time with us?”

  “You better believe it.” He kissed her on the nose. “Think you can stand it?”

  “I think so.”

  As they kissed again, with Lottie squashed between them, Ben knew that no injury could keep him from being with the woman he loved.



  Six months later

  “Aren’t you glad I forced you to get a date for the Harvest Dance?” Mason asked Ben as they stood at the altar of the Chance Creek Reformed Church.

  “You got that right. It was worth it to get that revolver. Hey!” Ben grinned when Mason elbowed him.

  “You barely looked at that revolver when I gave it to you. You were too wrapped up in your new girlfriend.”

  “Can you blame me?” Ben craned his neck when the music started and Mia began to walk down the aisle in a pale blue bridesmaid dress. Behind her came the woman he wanted to see—the woman he looked forward to spending his life with. Caitlyn was radiant in a classic gown as she walked by her father’s side, Lottie in her arms. The toddler wore a pretty gown of her own, and stared at the gathered crowd, her eyes round with surprise. When Caitlyn reached Ben’s side, Lottie reached up her arms to him. He took her and settled her in the crook of his elbow as he and Caitlyn turned to face Reverend Halpern.

  “Dearly Beloved,” the reverend began, but Ben lost track of his words as he gazed at his bride. He’d never expected that his injury could have brought something so wonderful into his life. He’d fallen for Caitlyn almost at first sight but over the months he’d grown to cherish her—and Lottie. More than ever he thought that Lottie’s father had made a huge mistake when he’d left Caitlyn behind, but his loss was Ben’s gain and he meant to make the most of it.

  “Repeat after me, Ben,” the reverend said. Ben took a deep breath.

  “I, Benjamin Warren, take you, Caitlyn Cross, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

  “Caitlyn?” The reverend turned to her. When she raised her gaze to his, Ben wanted to sweep her into his arms, but he wasn’t home free yet. He waited for her to speak the words that would bind her to him forever.

  “I, Caitlyn Cross take you, Ben Warren, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

  “Then by the power vested in me by the State of Montana, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Caitlyn tilted her chin up to meet his kiss and Ben pulled her into an embrace he never wanted to end, but when Lottie clapped and squealed they broke apart laughing.

  “I think she’s as happy as we are,” Caitlyn said.

  “I can’t imagine being happier.”

  “Are you sure? Because Lottie and I have news for you.”

their guests clapped and cheered, Ben leaned close to hear her. “What’s that?”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Ben whooped and kissed Caitlyn, then Lottie, then Caitlyn again. “Hey everyone,” he shouted to the congregation. “I’m going to be a father—again!” he swept Caitlyn up the aisle, receiving congratulations every step of the way. When they reached the top of the aisle he stopped just long enough to give Caitlyn another kiss. “I love you, Caitlyn Warren.”

  “I love you too.”

  The End

  Read on for an excerpt of Volume 1 of the SEALs of Chance Creek series – A SEAL’s Oath. Please note that this novel is not part of the Heroes of Chance Creek series.

  Visit Cora Seton’s website and sign up for her Newsletter here. Find her on Facebook here.

  Other Titles by Cora Seton:

  The SEALs of Chance Creek

  A SEAL’s Oath

  A SEAL’s Vow

  A SEAL’s Pledge

  A SEAL’s Consent

  The Heroes of Chance Creek

  The Navy SEAL’s E-mail Order Bride (Volume 1)

  The Soldier’s E-Mail Order Bride (Volume 2)

  The Marine’s E-Mail Order Bride (Volume 3)

  The Navy SEAL’s Christmas Bride (Volume 4)

  The Airman’s E-Mail Order Bride (Volume 5)

  The Cowboys of Chance Creek

  The Cowboy Inherits a Bride (Volume 0)

  The Cowboy’s E-mail Order Bride (Volume 1)

  The Cowboy Wins a Bride (Volume 2)

  The Cowboy Imports a Bride (Volume 3)

  The Cowgirl Ropes a Billionaire (Volume 4)

  The Sheriff Catches a Bride (Volume 5)

  The Cowboy Lassos a Bride (Volume 6)

  The Cowboy Rescues a Bride (Volume 7)

  The Cowboy Earns a Bride (Volume 8)